Large mushrooms
- ≈ 9 cm in length (without the stem)
- ≈ 6 cm (mushroom cap)
- ≈ 16 cm in length (with stem) -
Little mushrooms (Short stem)
- ≈ 16 cm high (with stem)
- ≈ 2 cm mushroom cap
- ≈ 4.5 cm height (without stem) -
Little mushrooms (Long Stem)
- ≈ 15 cm length (with stem)
- ≈ 2 cm mushroom cap
- ≈ 5 cm length (without stem)
- Natural clay
- Acrylic paint
- Resin (Hardener + glossy finish)
- Metal rod
I always loved making art but never really explored it in depth. In the last year and a half, I decided to try it for real. I developed a love for paint and natural clay. I love doing everything, whether it's an anime or a pocket pun. I must still admit that I have a certain weakness for everything floral, nature, plants and above all, mushrooms.
What I do represents me in a way, sometimes it's expressed in a more delicate, simpler way and others, really more eccentric and psychedelic. I like to escape into two completely opposite genres and that's how I find balance... Both in my life and in my art.
Today, I am going to create a need for you but above all, I want to add a touch of mother nature and put a little funk in your life. Small clay mushrooms to put in your plants.
I had a lot of fun making these and I hope they make you as happy as I do.
It's only a first but the following ones will be just as exciting and psychedelic as each other.
- Whimsy Vee