Cactus 'Fairy Castle' | Acanthocereus tetragonus

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  • Regular price $11.50
  • 4 available
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Also called "Fairy Castle", by the growth of its vertical branches resembling the turrets of a castle. We love this fairytale little castle in a beautiful light green.

Non-toxic to animals.

  • Family: Cactaceae
  • Origin: Florida
  • Watering:
    • Spring - Summer: Allow ⅔ of the soil to dry out between waterings.
    • Fall - Winter: Let the soil dry out completely between waterings.
  • Ambient humidity: Low.
  • Type of soil: Dry and draining.
  • Brightness: High.
    • Orientation: South or West at the edge of the window.
  • Growth: Average.
  • Temperature: Hot.
    • Between 15ᵒC and 30ᵒC

Diameter of the pot: 6 cm.

Like nature, each plant is unique. Natural articles are all different and may contain irregularities.